Beauty in Broken Reindeer

We always package this up carefully at the end of each Christmas season, but one year, one of the reindeer’s heads fell off. Josh tried fixing it a couple of times, but it just won’t stay on.

Beauty in Broken Reindeer

This is one of my favorite Christmas decorations. It was given to me in December 2006 by my Stephen Minister, Vicki. She helped me through so many life events - giving birth as a single mother through marrying Josh a couple of years later. We always package this up carefully at the end of each Christmas season, but one year, one of the reindeer’s heads fell off. Josh tried fixing it a couple of times, but it just won’t stay on. Even though it’s broken, it’s still precious and we still display it lovingly each year. Vicki moved away several years ago, and I miss her dearly. This is a reminder of her kindness to me. And a reminder that broken things can still be beautiful.